Cyber Evolution

History lessons 1:1 [The age before computers]

"Do you remember when......."
  • Memory was something that was lost with age.
  • An Application was for work or employment.
  • A Program was a show on television.
  • A Cursor was someone using profanity.
  • A Keyboard was a musical instrument (piano or synthesizer).
  • A Web was a spider's home.
  • A Virus was a disease like the flu or aids.
  • A CD was a banking account deposite.
  • A Hard drive was traveling a long distance in VW Beetle or a 2CV.
  • A Mouse pad was what mice called home and lived.
  • A 4¼" floppy If you had one, you hoped no one would ever find out or know you had one.
  • A 3½" stiiffy The inverse of a 4¼" floppy, and appears only at very inconvenient utterly embarrassing moments.
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