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Mobile Marketing Tools - Mobile Browser Emulator for iPhone


Mobile Marketing Wake Up Call

If your business is not mobile yet, this is your wake up call! Fueled by the need to get information when needed, the mobile device market experiences explosive growth. This by itself should indicate the importance to integrate mobile marketing into your business strategy as an important too to engage your clients and customers.

Mobile Website Health Check

Find out how your website performs on iPhone mobile devices. The free mobile website check is provided so you can see how your website appears on iPhone smartphones.

Mobile Website Check

Enter the URL of the website you want to check. The iPhone browser emulator will show you exactly what other people will see when they visit this website.

Enter the URL to test:

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Things to look out for:

  • Is it easy to read? Is the text readable on a small screen and is it complete, or does the client need to zoom and scroll!
  • Navigation. Do navigation buttons and links have enough quite space to prevent accidental, false or unintended navigation actions.
Nokia Mobile Website Browser
BlackBerry Mobile Website Browser
Android Mobile Website Browser
iPhone Website Mobile Readiness Check

Responsive Websites - Mobile friendly Internet environments

Responsive Wbsite

Responsive website service

Limitless website engineering technology with one website for all types of browsers on any kind of device.

  • I work behind the scene, with no direct client contact, so your clients only deal with you.
  • I offer personalised service - 16 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • I write up the specs and help to organise the functional requirements - then I build, integrate, complete, test, install and deliver every project.
  • I create or you provide the graphic art, which I integrate, and visually the website looks exactly as you and your clients wish.
  • I offer competitive rates and work on a fixed-bid basis, so you know where you stand with costs.
  • The potential to create new business opportunities that you might otherwise have lost.